Arts & Entertainment
Antiques, films, audiobooks
Biography & History
Biographies, local history...
Business & Finance
Directories, grants, general business articles...
Consumer Information
Auto repair, insurance...
Education & Test Preparation
Test preparation, college, job skills...
Obituaries, census data...
Government & Election
Public Policy, election, census data, government agency statistics...
Health Resources
Consumer health information
Homework Help
Literature, quick reference, science,
social issues...
Jobs and Career Development
Job searches and resume help...
Language Learning
Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, German and more,...
Legal Resources
Federal, State and local legal resources...
Neighboring Libraries
Literature, Books and Reading
Literary criticism, downloadable audio and eBooks, what do I read next...
Magazines & Newspapers
Ventura County Star, L.A. Times...
Quick Reference
Encyclopedia, dictionaries, telephone directories...
Inventions, biology, computer science...
Thousand Oaks
Local community information...