Legal Resources | |
California Courts | |
Access to selfhelp information, free and low cost legal help, small claims, traffic.... | |
California Laws and Regulations |
Access to California Law, Code of Regulations, State Constitution and Statues and other legal research libraries. | |
City of Thousand Oaks Municipal Codes | |
American Legal offers online access to the Municipal Codes to the City of Thousand Oaks. This Code and or other documents that appear on this site is provided for information only. | |
Gale Virtual Reference Library | |
Offers authoritative full-text reference titles from Gale and other premier publishing partners. Special features include: on-demand machine-aided content translations into 14 languages and text-to-speech technology in 19 languages. | search tips |
IPL - Law Resources | |
A tremendous directory of freely available legal resources available online | |
Legal Information Reference Center (NOLO PRESS) | |
Consumer legal reference books from NOLO Press accessible in electronic format, including printable legal forms | search tips |
Thomas | |
Access to federal legislative information including, bills, resolutions, congressional record, treaties, and more.... | |
Small Business Reference Center (NOLO PRESS) | |
Provides up-to-date information on starting, operating and managing a business. Includes access to the popular NOLO Press business publications in electronic format. | search tips |
Available from home. A Thousand Oaks Library card is required.
Available only in Library
Web Resources